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How does a bill become a law? How can I be involved in the legislative process? Don’t know the answer to these questions? Looks like you better attend the Citizen Lobbyist Training at the Utah State Capitol on February 6th.
With the 2013 Utah legislative session under way, we invite you to attend so that you can prepare to be an engaged citizen during the legislative session. The free session will cover, among other issues:
- How the legislature works
- How citizens can have an impact on their elected representatives
- The issues the ACLU of Utah and other groups in Utah will be following during the 2013 Legislative Session
- Free refreshments!
Here's the important information you need to know:
What: Citizen Lobbyist Training at the CapitolWhen: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 Time: 5:30 – 7pm
Where: Utah State Capitol, Multipurpose Room
Sponsored by: ACLU of Utah, Equality Utah, Alliance for a Better Utah, Planned Parenthood of Utah, Enriching Utah Coalition
Free pizza and refreshments
January is always the time to reflect on resolutions and here at the ACLU of Utah, we have a few of our own. As the 2013 legislative session gets underway, our lawmakers are already providing us with opportunities to renew our commitment to protecting the civil liberties of all Utahns.Our 2013 resolutions are:
Promote Equality
- Press for fair and humane immigration reform.
- Encourage the passage of non-discrimination protections in housing and the workplace for all Utahns, including those who are LGBT.
Defend Liberty
- Keep politicians from coming between women and their doctors in personal medical decisions.
- Prevent politicians from using religious freedom as an excuse to break important laws such as those that protect against child abuse, domestic violence and discrimination.
Stand Up for Justice
- Protect our privacy and our personal data, including establishing guidelines and oversight regarding the use of Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPRs).
You can follow us on Twitter and Facebook to take action and help us make these resolutions a reality!